Rainer Diaz-Bone (University of Lucerne, Switzerland) and
Guillemette de Larquier (University of Lille, France) (eds.)
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
This handbook provides a thorough introduction to the economics and sociology of conventions (EC/SC). With its origins in French structuralism and sociological pragmatism, EC/SC is a heterodox approach which focuses on the study of economic conventions as socio-cultural frames through which economic actors must coordinate, interpret, and evaluate their actions. Intrinsically interdisciplinary, EC/SC has a range of applications from economics, statistics, economic sociology, educational sociology, the analysis of different kinds of markets, the study of culture, politics, law, geography, history, the political economy of health, agricultural economics, to urban studies and many others. This approach integrates the experience of many scientific fields and combines a full range of quantitative and qualitative methods that would otherwise be separated in traditional analysis.
This handbook presents the concepts, methodologies, studies and achievements of EC/SC for an international and multidisciplinary readership, gathering contributions from a diverse panel of leading institutionalist scholars. This handbook is appropriate for students and researchers interested in learning more about this transdisciplinary practice in institutional analysis.
The handbook will be published in three versions: Step by step, the chapters will first be published online on SpringerLink in a so-called “Live” version. As soon as all chapters have been published online, a print edition and an e-book edition will be created.
The handbook was presented during the 13th AFEP congress (2024): click here.

Structure of the handbook and chapters online
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Foundations
- Rainer Diaz-Bone & Guillemette de Larquier: Conventions: Meanings and Applications of a Core Concept in Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Thomas Amossé: The Genesis of Economics and Sociology of Conventions at the Turn of the 1970s and 1980s
- Christian Bessy: Valuation and Enrichment
- Nicolas Buclet: Orders of Worth and Analysis of Controversies
- Leslie Carnoye: The Economies of Worth Model: Operating Principles and Ways to Apply It
- Rainer Diaz-Bone: Methods and Methodology of Convention Theory
- Olivier Favereau: Conventions and Enterprises: Applying Convention Theory to Firms
- Magnus Paulsen Hansen : Laurent Thévenot’s Sociology of Regimes of Engagement and Grammars of Commonality
- Eeva Luhtakallio & Tuomas Ylä-Anttila: Justifications Analysis
- André Orléan: Money and Value: The Contribution of The Empire of Value to the Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Etienne Penissat: The Everyday Perception of Conventions and Categorizations of the World of Work: Genesis and Posterity of a Card Game Survey
- Robert Salais: The Pragmatic and Democratic Approach to State as a Convention Between Persons
- Laurent Thévenot: Investments in Forms: Background and Continuing Developments
Section 3: Positioning and embedding EC/SC
- Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez & Bruno Boidin: The Global South, Albert Hirschman, and Convention Theory
- Gilles Allaire: Agrofood Dynamics in the Turn of the Century in the Light of Convention Theory
- Esther Berner & Arjan Kozica: Applying Convention Theory to Military Sociology: Achievements and Perspectives
- Julia Brandl: Economics and Sociology of Conventions and Human Resource Management
- Stefania Capogna: Digital Technologies and Big Data from the Standpoint of Convention Theory
- Dave Elder-Vass: Value, Conventions, and Finance
- Pierre-Yves Gomez: Convention Theory in Management Sciences
- Rouslan Koumakhov: Conventions, Rationality, and Social Interaction
- Paulo Niederle: Convention Theory in the Latin American Agro-Food Studies
- Romuald Normand: Convention Theory and Sociologies in Education: A Constructive and Reflexive Dialogue to Renew the Critique of Neoliberalism and Its Extension
- Stefano Ponte: Convention Theory and the Governance of Global Value Chains
- Nicolas Postel: Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility in Economics and Convention Theory
- Yamina Tadjeddine: Understanding Finance Through Convention Theory
Section 4: EC/SC in different research areas and fields: problems, applications and
- Joëlle Affichard, Antoine Lyon-Caen & Laurent Thévenot: Legal Norms and Convention Theory: Justification, Evaluation, and Realization of Law
- Walter Bartl: Conventions of the State, Statistics, and Public Action in a Territorial Perspective
- Philippe Batifoulier: Health, Conventions, and Society
- Christian Bessy & Claude Didry: Law in Convention Theory: Regulation in Regularities
- Christian Bessy & Simon Schrör: Creative Labor, Design, and Convention Theory
- Anders Blok : Sustainable Urbanism. Green Engagements and Compromised Conventions in the Twenty-First Century
- David Bourghelle : Convention Theory as an Approach to Financial Bubbles and Crashes
- Laura Centemeri: Green Justification and Environmental Movements
- Laura Centemeri & Carlotta Mozzana: Standards and the Transformations of Modes of Governing: Perspectives from Convention Theory
- Emmanuelle Cheyns: Voluntary Sustainability Standards
- Eve Chiapello: A Convention Theorist Approach to Accounting
- Clotilde Coron: Quantifying Human Resources: The Contributions of Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Nicolas Da Silva: The Industrialization of Healthcare and Its Critiques
- Tom Duterme: Conventions for Green Investments: Stock Indices and Bond Ratings in the Age of Sustainable Finance
- Anaïs Henneguelle: Socio-economics of Quantification and Value: The Perspective of Convention Theory
- Meg Holden : Justifying the Elephant in the Growth Machine: Urban and Planning Theory Understood Through Convention Theory
- Kenneth Horvath: How Economics and Sociology of Conventions Helps to Understand the Social Dynamics of Testing and Sorting
- Christian Imdorf & Regula Julia Leemann: Education and Conventions
- Henna Juusola & Mikko Kohvakka: Higher Education and Convention Theory
- Karolin Eva Kappler: E-Health and the Digitization of Health
- Karolin Eva Kappler: Health, Agorithms, and AI: Perspectives from Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Jürgen Kädtler: The Financialized Enterprise: Alternative Perspectives of Convention Theory
- Kota Kitagawa: Services, Products, and Values: Perspectives of the Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Jörn Lamla: Consumption and Conventions: Valuation, Recommendation, and the Quality of Goods in Digital Age
- Guillemette de Larquier: Labor, Conventions, and Conventions of Labor
- Sarah Lenz: Sustainability, Climate Change and Convention Theory
- Nathalie Magne: Worker Cooperatives in the Light of Convention Theory
- Eva Nadai & Anna Gonon : Health and Employment: Convention Theory’s Perspective on Work Incapacity
- Kenkichi Nagao & Junya Tatemi: Regional Development: How Convention Theory Explains Economic Development
- Gaël Plumecocq: Approaches to Ecological Problems in Convention Theory: How Legitimate Is Environmentalism?
- Delphine Rime: Tourism, Regions, and Convention Theory
- José Luis Sánchez-Hernández: Wine and Conventions: A Fruitful Coupage
- Markus Schermer: A Food Producer Perspective on Worlds of Production and Conventions
- Guy Schwegler & Jonathan Kropf: Music and Conventions: Grasping Qualities of an Elusive and Changing Object
- Philippe Semenowicz: Labor Inclusion Seen Through Convention Theory: A Matter of Intermediation
- Andrea Szukala & Reinhold Hedtke: Social Science Education in Schools: Neopragmatist Perspectives on Values and Actions in Classrooms
- Daniel Urrutiaguer: Art Worlds, Valuation, and Convention Theory
- Daniel Urrutiaguer: Theater and Convention Theory: Achievements and Perspectives
- Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen: Researching Cultural Policy from the Perspective of Economics and Sociology of Conventions
- Eric Verdier: Convention Theory Facing the Diversity of Vocational Education and Training
- Thierry Verstraete: Conventions, Business Model, and Entrepreneurship
- Philippe Vidal: Convention Theory as a New Analytical Framework for Geographical Phenomena
- Noel Whiteside: Convention Theory and Social Policy: Historical Perspectives
- Rebecca Ye: Convention Theory and Education to Work Transitions
Section 5: Diffusion and perspective