Archives de catégorie : Appel à articles / Call for papers

Accounting for “Quality” in Economics

Cfp for a special issue of Œconomia

Editors of the Special Issue
Spencer Banzhaf (North Carolina State University)
Christian Bessy (IDHES, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay)
Erwin Dekker (Mercatus Center, George Mason University)
Julien Gradoz (CLERSÉ, Université de Lille)
JeanSébastien Lenfant (PRISM, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Stéphan Marette (INRAE, AgroParisTech)

Ever since the marginalist revolution, economics has developed as the study of equilibria in various market structures and informational contexts. According to this view, price and quantity of goods and services (assumed to be measurable) are the only two variables to be accounted for in the study of market coordination. Within this framework, it is presupposed that the nature of the goods and services being exchanged is either known from the outset or expected to vary only within  predetermined, measurable boundaries (such as firms’ location, for instance). Over the last century, the most influential schools of thought have each applied this view on their own terms, and theoretical as well as methodological debates have been bounded by this common tenet that the goods to be traded are determined previously to market coordination. Challenging this established tenet has been—and still is—one of the most complex and demanding tasks for economists to address. It is also one of the most necessary.

One such way out of this tenet revolves around the introduction of quality as a third variable to be accounted for in market coordination, leading to the more sophisticated statement that buyers and sellers of qualitatively differentiated goods are both maximizing and objective. However, any attempt to introduce quality in economic theory—whether as an additional variable or in place of quantity—raises analytical difficulties and fundamental questions: Is quality measurable and how? Is there a given objective gamut of such qualities and what makes it objective? What does quality actually mean? Is this definition amenable to some kind of market coordination analysis or does it call for alternative institutions to be established? What are the consequences of introducing quality for welfare evaluations? Are there shared principles to account for quality in economic policy? What have we learned from empirical studies on quality and market structures?

Read more :

Researchers who would like to be considered for participation in this special issue of Œconomia should submit, via email attachment, the title of their paper, an extended (1,000-1,500 words) abstract, and the affiliations of all authors. This information should be sent to by March 30, 2024, at the latest.

Call for Papers: “Health Capitalism and Financialization of Healthcare”

Special Issue of the Review of Evolutionary Political Economy

The purpose of this special issue of the Review of Evolutionary Political Economy is to further develop the discussion on health capitalism and the advance of the financial sector in health activities. As research on financialization is pluralistic in nature (Stockhammer et al., 2021), we welcome papers from a variety of disciplines (comparative and international political economy, economic sociology, …), based on diverse approaches (theoretical, empirical) and methods (case-studies, statistics, archival work, modeling, …) reflecting of health capitalism and highlighting and clarifying the process of financialization in healthcare […]

Guest Editors:
– Philippe Batifoulier
– Ève Chiapello
– Nicolas Da Silva
– Robert McMaster

Deadline: 30th September 2023 for submission of title and abstracts.
Please send abstract to:

Lien / Link

cfp “Education and Conventions: Potentials, Empirical Findings, Challenges and Desiderata of Convention Theory in Education”, special issue of HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH

Guest Editors: Christian Imdorf (Leibniz University Hannover), Arne Böker (Institute for Higher Education Research Halle-Wittenberg), Romuald Normand (University of Strasbourg), Christian Schnejiderberg (University of Kassel) and Rebecca Ye (Stockholm University)

Related to the “Économie des Conventions” (e.g., Batifoulier et al. 2021; Diaz-Bone & Salais 2011), the multifaceted field of (French) institutionalist and pragmatic sociology offers innovative explanatory and analytical approaches to a number of current challenges in education research. Concepts and research strategies from the “sociology of conventions” (Diaz-Bone & Larquier 2022; Imdorf & Leemann 2023), the “sociology of critique” (Boltanski & Thévenot 1999; Boltanski 2011) or the actor-network theory (Latour 1996) are increasingly used to investigate processes of standardization, quantification and datafication of education, conflicts and controversies about educational quality and educational justice, dynamics of economization and privatization of educational provision or the interplay of science, politics and practice in the establishment and transformation of educational arrangements. […] The aim of the special issue is to discuss the potentials, empirical findings, challenges and desiderata of convention theory in education research (from early childhood, kindergarten, schools, to higher and further education, including special education across all segments). Convention theory brings in an institutionalist and pragmatist perspective, and, this way, contributes a profound social science approach to education research. This social science approach to education research emphasizes situations and settings organized through conventions.

Deadline for abstracts 1 November 2023.

Économie des conventions et politiques sociales

Economics of convention and social policies

Appel à communication

Journée d’étude organisée le 10 novembre 2023 organisée par Olivier Gayot, Guillemette de Larquier & Cécile Vasseur

Laboratoire Clersé – Université de Lille

L’objectif de la journée d’étude économie des conventions et politiques sociales est de réunir des chercheurs et chercheuses de toutes disciplines (économie, sociologie, gestion, sciences politiques…) qui travaillent sur les politiques sociales à partir du cadre théorique de l’économie des conventions (Diaz-Bone et Larquier, 2023). Les propositions de communications peuvent porter, par exemple, sur les transformations du secteur de la santé (Batifoulier, Da Silva et Duchesne, 2019), de la protection sociale (Chiapello et Knoll, 2020), du travail (Larquier et Rieucau, 2019 ; Semenowicz, 2018), de l’éducation (Imdorf, Leemann 2023) ou encore du développement durable (Sébert 2022; Carnoye 2017). »

The aim of the ‘Economics of Convention and Social Policies’ study day is to bring together researchers from all disciplines (economics, sociology, management, political science, etc.) working on social policies within the theoretical framework of the economics of convention (Diaz-Bone and Larquier, 2023). Paper proposals may focus, for example, on transformations in the healthcare sector (Batifoulier, Da Silva and Duchesne, 2019), social protection (Chiapello and Knoll, 2020), labor (Larquier and Rieucau, 2019; Semenowicz, 2018), education (Imdorf, Leemann 2023) or sustainable development (Sébert 2022; Carnoye 2017).

Deadline: 15 Septembre 2023

Call for communications: “Economics and sociology of conventions – taking stock, looking ahead”

XIIe Conference of the French Association of Political Economics (AFEP), “Crises and inequalities: How to inhabit the world of tomorrow” Paris, July 5-7, 2023.

ORGANIZERS: Rainer Diaz-Bone, Guillemette de Larquier

The institutionalist approach of economics and sociology of conventions (EC/SC) has been invented in the region of Paris since the 1980ies. EC/SC nowadays can be regarded as an internationally established scientific movement, which is developed by the next generations focusing research on “classical” topics as labor markets, quantification, but also on new topics e.g. as on ecology or law. Also, more and more contributions to EC/SC are published in languages as English or German. EC/SC addresses social critique and tensions from its beginning. The dynamics of social inequalities, economic coordination and valuation as well as the plurality of different ways of valorizing of individuals can be regarded as EC/SC core approaches to the analysis of crises and inequality. The panel will be devoted to presentations, which try to summarize and evaluate main lines of EC/SC’s developments and achievements. Also, deficiencies and problems as well as future perspectives and outlooks will be discussed in the planed panel. The panel will present the interdisciplinary relationships of EC/SC and approach theoretical, methodological and applied issues.

Deadline: 27 February 2023

CfP: Economic Organizations, Uncertainty, and Risk: Sociological Analyses of Economic Organizations in Times of Crises

The past 15 years represent an era of capitalism in crises. Phenomena like the global financial crisis (2007-2009), followed by the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010, major political occurrences such as the Brexit referendum (2016), or Covid-19 have challenged economic and political reality that likewise engendered critics towards it. Furthermore, the danger of an ecological collapse is omnipresent. And with respect to the ongoing war in Ukraine it is currently impossible to foresee what humanitarian and social catastrophe is looming.

We are looking for papers dealing with different coping modes of organizations such as conventions, translation processes or how techniques of quantification might have an impact on organizational behavior in risk management.

Submission of abstracts: 31 October 2022

For the full call and timeline please visit:

Organizers: Konstanze Senge, Alberto Cevolini, Bernadette Hof, Markus Lange and Audrey Terracher-Lipinski

CFP: Luc Boltanski und die Literatursoziologie

Luc Boltanski and the Sociology of Literature

Konzept und Organisation: David-Christopher Assmann
Institut für deutsche Literatur und ihre Didaktik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Deadline: 15 July 2022

Die Rezeption der Arbeiten Luc Boltanskis steht in literatursoziologischen Zusammenhängen zu großen Teilen aus. Zwar werden einzelne Ergebnisse und theoretische Konzepte des französischen Soziologen und Forschungsdirektors an der Pariser École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales hier und da aufgegriffen. Zum tragfähigen literatursoziologischen Referenzpunkt hat es jedoch bisher allenfalls der zusammen mit Ève Chiapello veröffentlichte Band mit dem mittlerweile zum Schlagwort geronnenen Titel „Der neue Geist des Kapitalismus“ geschafft. In einschlägigen literatursoziologischen oder -theoretischen Überblicksbänden, Lexika und Handbüchern sucht man den Namen Boltanski vergeblich. Überraschend ist diese Leerstelle nicht zuletzt, weil Boltanski sich in seinen Arbeiten immer wieder und nicht nur nebenbei, sondern dezidiert mit kulturellen und künstlerischen, schließlich literarischen Phänomenen beschäftigt.
Der geplante Band setzt an diesem Befund an. In explorativer Ausrichtung soll die Anschlussfähigkeit von Boltanskis Studien für die Generierung und Schärfung literatursoziologischer Fragestellungen und Analysen eruiert werden. Die Beiträge des Bandes fragen erstens in theoretischer Hinsicht nach der Brauchbarkeit der Arbeiten Boltanskis für die literatursoziologische Begriffsbildung, Entwicklung von Fragerichtungen und Perspektivierung von Untersuchungsergebnissen. Zweitens soll in konkreten Fallstudien die Tragweite der Konzepte Boltanskis für literatursoziologisches Arbeiten exemplarisch erprobt werden.

The reception of Luc Boltanski’s work in the sociology of literature is largely lacking. It is true that individual results and theoretical concepts of the French sociologist and research director at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris are taken up here and there. However, the volume published together with Ève Chiapello with the title “Der neue Geist des Kapitalismus” (The New Spirit of Capitalism), which has meanwhile become a buzzword, has so far only managed to become a viable point of reference in the sociology of literature. One searches in vain for the name Boltanski in relevant volumes on the sociology or theory of literature, encyclopedias, and handbooks. This is a surprising omission, not least because Boltanski’s work repeatedly deals with cultural, artistic, and ultimately literary phenomena, and not just in passing.
The planned volume takes this finding as its starting point. In an explorative orientation, the connectivity of Boltanski’s studies for the generation and sharpening of literary-sociological questions and analyses is to be investigated. The contributions of the volume ask firstly from a theoretical point of view about the usefulness of Boltanski’s work for the formation of concepts in the sociology of literature, the development of lines of questioning, and the perspective of research results. Second, the scope of Boltanski’s concepts for literary sociological work will be tested in concrete case studies by way of example.

Lien / Link

Umkämpfte Klassifikationen. Kultursoziologische Perspektiven auf Bewertungskonflikte

Contested Classifications. Cultural Sociological Perspectives on Evaluation Conflicts

Call for Papers

Sektionsveranstaltung der Sektion Kultursoziologie auf dem 41. DGS-Kongress 2022 in Bielefeld. Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren: Oliver Berli (Köln), Uta Karstein (Leipzig), Hilmar Schäfer (Berlin).

Section event of the Cultural Sociology Section at the 41st DGS Congress 2022 in Bielefeld. Organizers: Oliver Berli (Cologne), Uta Karstein (Leipzig), Hilmar Schäfer (Berlin).

Deadline: 28 February 2022.

Appel à communication – Panel “économie des conventions” du 11e congrès de l’AFEP, 28 juin-1 juil. 2022 Amiens (France)

Call for papers – Panel “Economics of conventions” of the 11th AFEP Congress, June 28-July 1, 2022 Amiens (France)

L’économie des conventions est une théorie de l’action située fondant son programme de recherche sur la pluralité des modes de coordination. La convention, considérée comme une règle ou comme une représentation, est révélée dans l’appartenance à une action collective. Elle suppose d’être partagée par plusieurs acteurs afin que la coordination aboutisse. Nombreux sont les chercheur.e.s qui s’appuient sur le cadre d’analyse conventionnaliste dans leurs travaux. L’appel à communication propose de présenter ces recherches afin de rendre compte de la pluralité des domaines dans lesquels les cadres de pensées et les concepts de l’économie des conventions sont mobilisés.
Ainsi, ce panel propose d’explorer différents apports de l’économie des conventions mettant en exergue les limites ou les logiques d’adaptation du capitalisme contemporain dans les domaines de la santé, du travail, de l’environnement, de l’énergie, de la finance, etc. En mettant en évidence les rapports de force, les arrangements institutionnels, les représentations et les interprétations des règles, l’économie des conventions permet d’appréhender le capitalisme sous différents aspects (capitalisme sanitaire, capitalisme financiarisé, capitalisme « vert »…) et d’en proposer une critique.
Afin d’explorer ces questions, sans pour autant exclure d’autres types d’applications, cet appel à communication attend des travaux (article, chapitre de thèse, projet de recherche, etc.) ayant différents niveaux de maturité. L’objectif est de réunir des chercheur.e.s expérimenté.e.s et de jeunes chercheur.e.s afin de discuter de leurs travaux.

Les réponses à appel à communication ne devront pas excéder deux pages, présentant un titre, des motsclés, une question de recherche claire, le caractère empirique ou non du travail et un maximum de 5 références bibliographiques.

Merci de déposer vos propositions de communication avant le 5/02/2022 sur le site : dans la thématique économie des conventions ainsi qu’à Olivier Gayot (, Cécile Vasseur ( et Guillemette de Larquier (

Les propositions acceptées seront notifiées le 2/03/2022.

Appel à communication / Call for papers Session spéciale : Économie des conventions – 9ème Colloque international AFEP / IIPPE

30 ans séparent la publication du numéro spécial de la Revue Économique consacré à l’économie des conventions de la prochaine conférence de l’Association Française d’Économie Politique. Cette conférence est l’occasion de faire le point sur l’actualité du programme de recherche conventionnaliste. En particulier, le présent appel vise à rassembler prioritairement (mais non exclusivement) des travaux de jeunes chercheur.e.s qui travaillent leurs problématiques à l’aide des cadres de pensée de l’économie des conventions. Il s’agit ainsi d’envisager la manière par laquelle le programme de recherche des conventions peut ou doit évoluer.


30 years have elapsed since the publication of the special issue of the Revue Économique devoted to the economics of conventions. The next conference of the French Associaton of Politcal Economy is an opportunity to review the current status of the conventional research agenda. In particular, this call aims to bring together as a mater of priority (but not exclusively) the work of young researchers who work on their problems using the conceptual frameworks of the economics of conventions. This means considering how the convention research programme can or should evolve.


Merci d’adresser vos propositions de communication (titre et court abstract) à et

Call for papers – Deploying Gender Studies in Political Economy

The Revue de la Régulation wishes to stimulate new thought about gender-related issues in political economy. Contributions can be made in the four areas defined below.

Deadline – 31 August 2018

Coordinators: Cécile Lefèvre, Cerlis, Université Paris Descartes and Ined, ; Thomas Lamarche, Ladyss, Université Paris Diderot

1 – Investigations of new fields of economics through the gender lens

The aim of this thematic issue is to encourage reflective articles on “gender and political economy” devoted to themes that are not usually studied from the angle of gender or by means of an analysis defined in terms of gender: gender and systems of production, gender and enterprise, gender and financial globalization, gender and money, gender and economic crisis, gender and the environment, gender and commonplace notions, etc. Comparative approaches (between countries, periods, currents of thought, etc.) are particularly welcome.

2 – Proposals for new perspectives on fields that have already been the subject of publications many times over:

  • Gender and development economics

  • Gender, conventions, indicators and measures in political economy

  • The history of economic thought as seen through the gender lens

  • Gender, work and family (on this theme, given the substantial volume of studies in applied economics on the inequality between men and women in terms of salaries, employment and the relations between family and work, articles of a more reflective and synthetic nature will be given preference over case studies).

3 – Contributions to developments in political economy and heterodox (notably régulationist) approaches inspired by the notion of gender

In view of the strategic positioning of the Régulation Review, contributions relating to the following questions will be particularly welcomed:

  • Institutional economics, the economics of conventions, régulation theory: what do they have to say about gender studies in economics?

  • Are gender studies heuristic (or not) with regard to the development of political economics?

  • Do gender-related issues constitute an interdisciplinary phenomenon which thus establishes a link between the social sciences (economics, history, geography, sociology and anthropology)?

4 – Last but not least, scrutiny of the examination of the gender positioning of economists and of the attention paid by them to gender studies

There are a number of courses and master degrees devoted to gender issues (more of them in sociology than in economics), but the overall picture remains that of a subject granted only marginal importance in academic syllabi for economists. Furthermore, recent investigations have underlined the difficulties encountered by women economists in establishing themselves in the discipline and in the academic environment.

The question of gender also impacts the choice of themes and the different ways in which techniques and methods are used by economists, depending on whether they are women or men.


Link to the review

Appel à contribution de la Revue de la régulation : Déployer les études de genre en économie politique ?

Coordonnateurs : Cécile Lefèvre, Cerlis, Université Paris Descartes et Ined, ; Thomas Lamarche, Ladyss, Université Paris Diderot

Déployer les études de genre en économie politique ?

La Revue de la Régulation souhaite stimuler de nouvelles réflexions sur l’apport de la notion de genre en économie politique. Les contributions pourront s’inscrire dans les 4 axes suivants.

1-Investiguer au prisme du genre de nouveaux champs de la discipline économique

Ce numéro thématique a pour ambition de susciter des articles réflexifs sur « genre et économie politique » s‘appuyant sur des thèmes habituellement peu étudiés sous l’angle ou avec un questionnement en termes de genre : genre et système productif, genre et entreprise, genre et mondialisation financière, genre et monnaie, genre et crise économique, genre et environnement, genre et communs, etc. Les approches comparatives (entre pays, périodes, courants de pensée, etc.) sont particulièrement bienvenues.

2- Proposer de nouveaux regards sur des champs ayant déjà et souvent donné lieu à publications

  • Genre et économie du développement
  • Genre, conventions, indicateurs, mesures en économie politique
  • Histoire de la pensée économique au prisme du genre
  • Genre, travail et famille (sur ce thème, devant le grand nombre de travaux d’économie appliquée sur les inégalités hommes/femmes du point de vue salarial, de l’emploi et des relations entre famille et travail, des articles plus réflexifs et de synthèse seront privilégiés aux études de cas)

3-Contribuer aux développements de l’économie politique et des approches hétérodoxes, en particulier régulationnistes, à partir de la notion de genre

Compte tenu du positionnement de la Revue de la Régulation, sont particulièrement attendues des contributions sur les questions suivantes :

  • Économie des institutions, économie des conventions, théorie de la régulation : qu’ont-elles à dire sur les études de genre en économie ?
  • Les études de genre sont-elles heuristiques (ou non) pour le développement de l’économie politique ?
  • Les questions de genre fondent-elles un pont interdisciplinaire, un lien entre les sciences sociales (économie, histoire, géographie, sociologie, anthropologie) ?

4-Last but not least, étudier la fabrique (genrée) des économistes et de leur attention (ou non) aux études de genre

On dénombre quelques cours et masters consacrés aux questions de genre (davantage en sociologie qu’en économie), mais le constat global reste celui d’une place marginale accordée à ce thème dans la formation des économistes. Par ailleurs des enquêtes récentes ont souligné les difficultés pour les femmes économistes à acquérir toute leur place dans la discipline et l’espace académique.
La question de genre se pose aussi en termes de choix des thèmes, de mobilisation des techniques et méthodes de manière différenciée selon que les économistes sont des femmes ou hommes économistes.

Appel complet en ligne


Appel à articles pour la revue Socio-Economie du Travail

La revue Socio-Economie du Travail a pris depuis 2016 le relais de la série Socio-économie du Travail (AB) de la revue Économies et Sociétés. Elle est désormais éditée en version papier et en version numérique par les éditions Classiques Garnier. Elle conserve le même projet éditorial, le même comité de rédaction et le même fonctionnement que la série Socio-économie du travail de Economies et Sociétés qui est classée à la fois dans la liste de revues HCERES Economie-Gestion et dans la liste du CoNRS de la section 37.

La revue Socio-Economie du Travail a pour objectif de contribuer aux renouvellements conceptuels et aux débats d’idées qui animent aujourd’hui son champ scientifique.

Ce champ est celui du Travail, au sens large du terme, incluant l’Emploi et le Salaire, posture économique traditionnelle, mais également les conditions d’exercice de l’activité de travail et les Relations Professionnelles. Socio-économie du travail propose d’alimenter ces débats par un dialogue interdisciplinaire dans la tradition anglo-saxonne des Industrial Relations.

La revue est ouverte aux approches institutionnalistes, aux travaux qui favorisent le dialogue entre débats théoriques et travaux empiriques qui caractérisent la démarche d’économie appliquée. C’est dans leur capacité à dialoguer avec les différentes approches théoriques de la socio-économie du travail que les travaux empiriques qu’ils soient composés d’exploitation d’enquêtes de terrain ou de traitements statistiques ou économétriques seront appréciés.

La revue est ouverte à toute soumission spontanée en cohérence avec cette ligne éditoriale. Elle propose également régulièrement des appels à contributions qui pourront donner lieu à des dossiers ou numéros spéciaux sur des thématiques ou problématiques que le comité de rédaction souhaite encourager. Si le français est la langue de référence, la revue peut publier des contributions en anglais lorsque les auteurs ne sont pas francophones.

Les soumissions se font désormais en ligne:

Site internet :

Call for papers for Organization Studies

Calls for Papers for forthcoming Special Issues of Organization Studies.

To view further details, including article guidelines and instructions on how to submit, please click on the titles.

The Hidden Life of Categories: Emergence, Maintenance and Change in Organizations, Markets and Society
Deadline for submissions: 30th September 2017

Food Organizing Matters: Paradoxes, Problems and Potentialities
Date for submissions: between 15 and 31 October 2017

Organizational control and surveillance of new work practices
Deadline for submissions: 29th June 2018

Appel à articles/Call for papers “Pluralist Thinking in Economic and Socioeconomic Education” JSSE

The Journal of Social Science Education will publish a special issue in September 2018 on the theme of “Pluralist Thinking in Economic and Socioeconomic Education”. The issue will edited by Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany.

For more than ten years, pluralism in economics and in the education of economists has been a hot issue. Contemporary criticism of conventional economics education has started around the turn of the millennium with student initiatives for pluralist economics like the post-autistic economics movement – with a stronghold in France (autisme-économie) – and gained momentum after the financial crisis of 2007/2008. Students turned against the perceived one-sidedness of syllabi, textbooks and exams of their universities and against economists and economics’ lack of contact with reality. In consequence, economic plurality and pluralism in economic(s) education was put onto the public agenda, initiated controversies and triggered changes in policies of higher education.
Recent student movements, however, are not the first and only stage for the debate on pluralism in economics and economic plurality. On the contrary, methodological, paradigmatic and theoretical pluralism in economic research has triggered a controversial scholarly debate. It involves key questions of teaching economics and business studies in the right way, at universities as well as at schools. Moreover, since citizens and voters, pupils and students are confronted with contentious issues concerning economic policies and their pluralist scientific rationales.
However, we do not know much about the impact of these debates on curricula, schools, textbooks, classroom practices and teacher training. Undergraduates, in principle, may be fortunate to find a more pluralist place for studying – as far as there are heterodox professors left – and overcome economics’ orthodoxy by changing the university or, at least, the department. Others may join ongoing protest movements for pluralist economics or educate themselves via pluralist platforms and webs of knowledge. In contrast, pupils and students of secondary and vocational schools as well as trainee teachers normally do not have these options. As a rule, they have to come to terms with the established curricula, content, textbooks and exams.
Against this backdrop, the thematic issue of the JSSE addresses phenomena, findings, problems and educational approaches of economic plurality and pluralism in economic research at different levels and in different contexts of the educational system. The issue will focus on teaching and learning in schools, on teacher education at universities and teacher training colleges and on social representations of economic plurality held by young people.
The thematic issue calls for deeper analyses of the underlying justifications and assumptions, guiding educational conventions and ideologies, corresponding policies, practices and vested interests. It welcomes papers of different formats, such as theoretical and conceptual or empirical papers, policy and curriculum analyses, comparative analyses, process tracing and discourse analyses as well as actor-centred empirical school and classroom research. We also look for qualitative research like ethnography of classroom practice, case studies of pluralist lessons or studies of pluralist teaching cultures.

 We are reluctant to impose a rigid framework but we would be especially interested in knowing how authors respond to one or more of the following questions:

  •      What are the epistemological, philosophical, psychological or sociological foundations of pluralist thinking about economy, economic life and economic policies and how do they relate to economic and socioeconomic education and to social science education?
  •     What are key empirical findings of pluralist teaching and learning in economic and socioeconomic education at schools, universities and teacher training colleges?
  •     How do students cope with the challenge of pluralist economic thinking in the classroom? What impact does pluralist education have?
  •     What do we know about plural economic thinking of young people and plurality in their representations of the economy? How do they cope with plurality and diversity in their every-day life? What are the approaches to mundane economic plurality socio/economic education should prefer?
  •     The social sciences provide an abundant diversity of approaches to the economy and of economic ideas, but learning time is limited. Which approaches and ideas should be selected for secondary or higher education and why?
  •     How can teachers and teacher educators realise pluralist teaching and learning in every-day teaching?
  •     What are the main normative contexts and patterns of legitimisation for economic pluralism or monism of teaching and learning?
  •     What is the relationship of pronounced pluralism in the economic/socioeconomic curriculum and in teacher education to vested interests and socio/economic policies? How is teaching about scientific controversies in schools and universities related to public dispute on the economy and economic policy?

The issue will contain:

  •     An editorial in which key themes are highlighted and articles are briefly summarised;
  •     4-6 articles of between 6-9000 words;
  •     2-4 book reviews (each approximately 4-800 words long) on issues of pluralist economic teaching and learning in schools.

The focus of the special issue will be socio/economic education and subject-matter research related to the social science domain and its core disciplines economics, economic sociology and business studies. The editors will also welcome theoretical and empirical material that allows for consideration of issues using insights from a range of other academic disciplines and areas (e.g. économie des conventions/sociology of conventions, sociology of education, sociology of knowledge; economic psychology; economic anthropology etc.).

The following schedule will be used:

  • First submission by authors to editors: 20 December 2017
  • Response to authors by editors: 30 January 2018
  • Final submission from authors: 15 May 2018
  • Final reviewing and papers ready for layout: 31 July 2018
  • Publication: 15 September 2018